Joel Andrews, internationally beloved harpist, offers an inspiriting exploration of the role of music in our lives and world – and the experience of healing that is possible when the composition and performance are in alignment with our true Selves. His journeys as a performing artist, his discoveries of the connections we can experience with other beings, and the many accounts of healing from his hundreds of clients make a compelling case for the healing power of music.
Since Joel passed away, his wife Serafina has carried on sharing his work. Find out more at Harp Of Gold.
Since Joel passed away, his wife Serafina has carried on sharing his work. Find out more at Harp Of Gold.

Andrée (Dee) Cuenod earned an MBA for women executives at UCLA and served there as Associate Director of Planning, responsible for campus-wide Academic Planning. Cuenod left the university and moved to the Oregon coast in search of truth about life, God, and self. Drawn to spiritual-metaphysical philosophy, she pursued a journey toward enlightenment. She learned to commune with her inner voice and got personal answers to all of her many questions.
Sadly, Dee has passed away, leaving a legacy with her students, and through her books!
Sadly, Dee has passed away, leaving a legacy with her students, and through her books!

Kat Cunningham, designer, corporate trainer, intuitive, has lived more lives in this lifetime than most of us—and along the way has developed a method that can make all our lives easier, more fun, and full of Passion! A graduate of Woodbury College’s commercial arts program, Kat worked as a commercial artist and then earned the teaching certificate from San Diego State University and established a highly successful secondary-school career arts program. That was followed by years in Germany as the publisher of KEEPIT magazine… and more! Kat’s Earthology© system is a highly effective tool for personal growth and her CORPORATE ZOO© program has helped transform businesses of all kinds.
Find her at: http://www.circle4oneness.org/
Find her at: http://www.circle4oneness.org/
Cath DePalma is a pioneer in the study of consciousness and living a practical spirituality. She shares her life lessons, discoveries and experiences with others in a way that inspires and empowers them. She has counseled, coached and inspired people for over 25 years. She is all about personal mastery, leadership, “green”, “global”, being in nature, playing and spiritual connection. Her new focus, “Journey Into Me”, invites others to join along with her spiritual journey through classes, retreat and workshops.
Emma Curtis Hopkins, the "teacher of teachers" in the New Thought tradition of applied metaphysics, offered classes from 1886 - 1906, after which she travelled and lectured throughout the U..S. and the U.K. Most of the books published in her name are transcriptions of her lessons, from her students' notes, and we print almost all of them, along with what she actually wrote.
Find more information about Emma at emmacurtishopkins.com |

Milt Markewitz earned the MS in Whole Systems Design after retiring from a career as a product management engineer with IBM. He is currently a leader in the international interfaith movement, focusing on indigenous faith traditions.
Find him at: http://www.natureslanguage.com/contact-us/1-milt-markewitz
Find him at: http://www.natureslanguage.com/contact-us/1-milt-markewitz

Ruth L Miller, is currently integrating her work in metaphysics and cultural systems from her careers as a futurist and New Thought minister. A popular speaker, she is also host of the radio show Noetic Moments. Her books from other publishers include Unveiling Your Hidden Power, Uncommon Prayer, Spiritual Success, The New Science of Getting Rich, The New Master Key System, Calm Healing (co-authored with Robert Bruce Newman) and As We Think So We Are, The New Game of Life and How to Play It, The Spiritual Science of Emma Curtis Hopkins, and Natural Abundance, Ralph Waldo Emerson’s guide to prosperity.
Find her at: www. ruthlmillerphd.com
Find her at: www. ruthlmillerphd.com

J. C. Pedigo grew up in the “Rust Belt” state of Ohio, where her family owns a small business. Like so many teens in the ’60s, she headed for the west coast and began her lifelong quest for Truth. After a disastrous marriage, followed by a successful career, illness, and a stint in the family business, this self-proclaimed “graduate of Time, Inc.” imagined her way to the Oregon Coast and an almost unbelievable string of synchronicities that proved to her that the Truth she sought could only be found within.
J.C. (Margot) passed away a few years back, but her Views from the Pew collection continues to inspire and encourage others on their journey.
J.C. (Margot) passed away a few years back, but her Views from the Pew collection continues to inspire and encourage others on their journey.

Batya Podos discovered the Greek Myths at age nine, and ever since then she has been chasing a good story. For over thirty years she has been a storyteller and performer, workshop leader, teacher and playwright. She worked as an artist in residence and educational consultant in the U.K., where she lived for over a decade, and later, when she returned to the U.S., as a middle-school drama teacher. Batya is an ordained maggid, a teacher and storyteller in the Jewish tradition, and now that she has retired from teaching middle school, she works with young people who are about to have their Bar or Bat Mitzvah, and is one of the directors of “Abraham’s Tent”—an interfaith summer camp for Christian, Jewish and Muslim children. Recently, Batya contributed to the book The Language of Life, by Milt Markewitz and Ruth Miller, which explores the meaning of the energetic patterns of the Hebrew letters. She lives in Hillsboro, Oregon with her cat, Quinn, her dog, Harley, and her partner of thirty years, where she is already working on her next novel.
Find her at http://www.batyapodos.com
Find her at http://www.batyapodos.com
Marcia Sutton is a beloved teacher and minister in the Religious Science tradition whose work has inspired students all over the world. In her books, she shares the insights she gained from her world travels and explorations into spiritual traditions from many cultures, and offers practices that can lift us into a new level of awareness and function in a way that is clear, concise, and to the point. She passed away in 2023 but her many students continue to testify to the power of her work. |
Michael Terranova. Rev. Michael has published all of Emma’s works as well as 22 of her Bible Interpretation Series. He is in the process of compiling many unpublished articles and many of her other short articles published in Metaphysical magazines. He is planning on sharing the info he has learned about Emma’s works by teaching classes online and around the country, and has searched the INTA archives with great determination to unearth previously unpublished Hopkins writings.
His website is www.emmacurtishopkins.org |